Monday, November 30, 2009

The TDOR Service video

Hi everyone,

I now can post the entire sermon from the Transgender Day of Remembrance service Safe Haven hosted at the Pastor's home here in West Covina.

I must apologize in advance because the Video Server (VEOH) inserts commercials during the playing of the video. But free comes with a price-tag these days. Today this stuff is billed as a feature of the program rather than a nuisance, but that just shows you how "old school" I really am.

Sorry - the embedded video is temporarily unavailable. VEOH the video server has dumped it and I am searching for a new and more reliable host.

OK here's the fix - using Blip TV now the following 3 links are for the entire service - the Sermon starts in Part 2 and continues into part 3. Many thanks to Randy Detroit for the camera work, editing and the help getting this back up. I apologize for the commercials on Blip TV but it's the price one pays for "free" these days.

I hope you all had great Thanksgiving

Hugs and Blessings,

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