Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Faith Issues Sub-committee forming in the IE


The EQuality Inland Empire (EQIE) Steering Committee is in the process of forming a faith issues sub-committee. As Temporary Chair of this sub-committee I am asking for help in locating Inland Empire faith leaders that would be interested in helping us with LGBT/faith issues.

Our first meeting is this coming Monday June 15th at 6:30 PM (until around 8 PM) at the First Congregational Church of Riverside 3504 Mission Inn (at Lemon). Enter the building by the Lemon Street Parking lot entrance. Faith leaders of all Open and Affirming faiths and congregations - Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Pagan, Christian and others - are welcome to attend and help us identify goals, issues pertinent to LGBT folk of faith and help build a faith coalition here in the Inland Empire. Among other things we will address how to counter the damaging rhetoric that has run rampant since the Prop 8 campaign stirred the pot. I personally would also like to find ways we all can make our faiths relevant to the LGBT community - especially our youth.

I think it is time we LGBTQI... folk and our allies of faith find our unified voice while maintining our wonderful diversity of people and faith. Once again we can turn the world upside down!

Please pass this along to any faith groups and faith leaders you know. I can be contacted directly.

Thank you all very much.
Hugs and Blessings,
Eva-Genevieve! Scarborough
Advocate for Human / Civil-rights and Faith without Prejudice
Chairwoman, First Congregational Church Riverside Mission Board LGBT issues sub committee
Chairwoman, EQIE Faith issues sub-committee


  1. I pray that much will be accomplished at the meeting, Eva.

  2. Thanks Genevieve,

    I have this feeling that I am in the right place at thre right time and that something good will come from our efforts, though prayers certainly are appreciated and needed. In Church I am charing our Mission Board's LGBT issues committee and out in the LGBT community I am charing this faith committee. It puts me right smack in the middle between the two groups and this is right where my personal ethos lies.

    I guess we'll see what God does with this situation.

