Greetings friends,
I hope you are all well.

After the pause I took away from things in August to get a little rest, the moment I stuck my head up and looked around I found myself right back in the thick of the Marriage Equality Movement. I am helping to organize the effort in the Inland Empire (and I have several other irons in the fire too - a couple of them are in earlier posts. At the moment I am sitting in The Lark -- an LGBT club -- in San Bernrdino recruiting people to help with the campaign effort. Tonight we had 26 more people that want to help sign up. While I'm here I'm posting this to my blog since Verizon has the DSL screwed up at home. So here is the post about our first "field work" event in a place everyone has been saying is insignifigant. Well guess what - I refuse to be insignifigant and so do a whole bunch of folk out here - stay tuned...
Wednesday evening the Inland Empire (Region 9) team of the statewide Restore Equality 2010 campaign started recruiting efforts for the coming petition signing work. Five volunteers met last Saturday to coordinate this regional effort and have hit the ground running. We were met by a surprising amount of enthusiasm in downtown Riverside.
Armed with fliers for our upcoming strategy meeting on Oct 3 we talked to many people at three prime locations – Back to the Grind, The Menagerie and Worthington’s Tavern – and we were overwhelmed at the positive response. Once we explained that we were preparing to hit the ground running when the petitions are in hand come November not one person balked at the idea of a 2010 effort. Most said they were glad that we are already organized and working to win this battle now instead of later and got excited that they could help and really make a difference – I hope that sentiment becomes infectious!
The owners and staff of the places we “worked” were awesome and totally supportive too. I would estimate that in the 2 hours we were there three of us spoke with at least 40 individuals and groups of people. We now have 9 more people signed up to help. We passed out the few “Repeal Prop 8 2010” and “:I DO…” signs I had kicking around and almost 100 fliers.
Friday we will be at the Lark in San Bernardino around 9 PM. We will be at The VIP on the 30th and back to Downtown Riverside on Oct 2nd. We are now looking to get out into Palm Springs and a few other key areas in October – follow this link to the Region 9 page of the Restore Equality 2010 website.
If we were not on the map last November here in the IE this time we will be. And we will make a big difference!! Please come out and help us if you can.
Where ever you are located in California you can help – go to Restore Equality 2010’s web site and select the link for your region and contact the volunteers shown for your region to find out how you can make a difference locally and nationally too.